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Incoming & Outgoing Mail

Mail should include full first and last name of sender as well as full return address on the envelope. Mail should be addressed on the envelope with the Inmate’s full first and last name and sent to the following address:

[Inmate Name]
c/o Stutsman County Correctional Center
205 6th St SE Suite 201
Jamestown, ND 58401

All incoming and outgoing mail must be sent and delivered through a postal delivery service. Mail cannot be personally delivered to the facility on behalf of an inmate.

All incoming and outgoing mail that is completely or partially in a language other than English may be denied unless the sending/receiving Inmate has previously been approved to the limited English proficiency list.

The only money that will be accepted shall be in the form of a money order, cash, cashier’s check, or official checks from a bank. If the money order, cashier’s check, or official checks are not filled out completely, they will not be deposited into your account and will be returned to the sender.

Privileged Mail

All mail, except privileged mail, is screened prior to delivering the mail to an inmate. All mail approval is subject to the policies of the Stutsman County Correctional Center and may be denied, placed in the inmate’s secure property, returned to the sender, or disposed of for violations of the policies.

Privileged mail is defined as: Correspondence between an inmate and the courts; licensed attorneys; or a recognized inmate legal service group, such as the American Civil Liberties Union; or the innocence project. Mail between an inmate and elected or appointed federal, state, or local officials, or foreign consulates, and includes the North Dakota Department of Labor’s Rights Division and Protection and Advocacy. Privileged mail is opened and screened for contraband in the inmate’s presence, but the contents are not read by staff.

Mail Rules & Violations

A mail violation notice will be sent to the inmate and the sender if any of the following policies are violated:

  1. The material involves criminal activity or constitutes a risk to the safety and security of the facility, to specific individuals, or the general public – this includes escape plans.
  2. The material includes photographs containing sexually suggestive images, including nudity.
  3. The material portrays gangs, advocates gang behavior, or includes gang-related symbols or code.
  4. The material contains items that pose a safety or sanitation concern, to include but not limited to; glitter, confetti, or similar materials, batteries, recorded message, has strange odor, lipstick, stickers, stamps, foreign substances or perfumes.
  5. The material contains any form of electronic format to include: CD’s, DVD’s, flash drives, or electronic storage device requiring mechanical and/or electronic player.
  6. The material advocates hatred toward or is demeaning toward any individual or groups to include derogatory remarks about a group of people of a certain race, color, religion, culture, sexual orientation, or criminal history.

Mail may be held pending the outcome of an investigation if the mail violates any other rule of the facility. If the mail is held pending investigation, the inmate and sender will receive a violation notice with a reason for the investigation.

Phone, SMS, or E-Mail

If you would like to communicate with an inmate by phone, SMS, or e-mail you will have to create an account at https://team3.inmatecanteen.com.


The SCCC provides all necessary clothing for individuals being housed at our facility. Indigent clothing may be provided to those in need upon release from the facility.

An inmate may qualify for indigent hygiene and writing materials after maintaining an amount below a predetermined threshold for a number of days as defined by the Stutsman County Correctional Center Inmate Handbook.

The SCCC does not allow for personal property to be dropped off at the facility on behalf of an inmate without prior authorization from the Administrative Officer.

Books, Magazines, & Newspapers

Publications may be sent in through a vendor (Examples: Walmart, Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Etc.). Publications include books, magazine subscriptions, and newspaper subscriptions. An inmate may possess up to 5 books, 3 days of newspapers, and 5 magazines. Any overages sent in may be denied and the inmate may be responsible to pay for shipping costs to mail out the excess property.

Any books mailed in by a vendor may only be paperback or softcover, hardcover books are not allowed in the facility. Any books, magazines or newspapers are not allowed to contain any metal (staples, wire, etc.) or other substances that could pose a safety or sanitation concern in the facility.

Photographs may be sent either electronically through https:/team3.inmatecanteen.com or through the mail system. All photos are subject to screening and the policies of incoming/outgoing mail. Non-electronic photos must be 4×6 or smaller and an inmate may possess a maximum of 30 pictures. Any overages may be denied, and the inmate may be responsible for shipping costs to mail out the excess property.

If you have questions regarding inmate mail or property you may either write to the Administrative Officer at the address listed above or call (701) 252-7436 Ext 6102.


205 6th St SE Suite #201
Jamestown, ND 58401
(701) 252-7436

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